Monday 9 July 2012


To all members,

The members who have interest in take part in our Sunway Trip that organize on 28th July 2012, please kindly comment in the Facebook. Thanks for your co-operation.


EFA & BFA exam name list

Date: 15th July 2012
Venue : HQ
Time : 8.00 am

Member that took part in BFA exam:
1.  Chan Voon Chian
2. Chin Ning Liang
3. Heng Jin Ying
4. Lee Jia Qi
5. Lerr Wai Lon
6. Loo Juan Chuan
7. Low Song Lin
8. Poon Chee Yan
9. Poon Chee Yin
10. Tan Pei Lian
11. Teo Chor Sin
12. Chean Kai Loon

Member that took part in EFA exam:
1. Cha Jwen
2. Lee Xue Li
3. Liew Yi Ming
4. Loke Jia Hui
5. Shaun Lee Sheng Wei
6. Teh Yong Xian
7. Wong Kah Seng
8. Wong Sin Jie
9. Tan Rui Ern

* 7.45am gather at HQ. Please don't late!
* All the Junior must wear HALF U (St.John T-shirt, black pants and black shoes).
* The Senior that have FULL U need to wear FULL U.
* if have any question can call madam (012-2501142). the time only valid on 7pm-11pm.


Tuesday 3 July 2012

Sport Day Duty

Date  : 7th July 2012
Venue : 中国小学
In-charge : Foo Jia Yee
Members: Chean Kai Loon
                Chan Shui Yee
                Shaun Lee
                Wong Sin Jie

Date : 7th July 2012
Venue : 中国公学
In-charge : Sir Lee Chee Wee
Members : Teo Chor Sin
                 Liew Kai Seim
                 Wong Qiao Wen
                 Tai Meng Yan

* If you have the transport, you can go by yourself. You need to arrive at there before 7.00 am. Kindly inform to the in-charge before Thursday (5th July 2012) if you go by yourself.
* The members that do not have the transport, please gather at SRJKC Naam Kheung on 6.15am.
* All must wear FULL UNIFORM.