Thursday 23 June 2011

JLDS 2011 First day 第一天

第一天 (早上篇)
First Day (morning)

在学生领袖营的前一天,大致上所有营委都已经在学校过夜了,为了把手头上的东西全都做好, 还有担心营里有什么不充足,大家都做到三更半夜才睡觉。

A day before JLDS, as usual, all committee have been appointed in the school overnight, in order to handle all the good things the head, and worry about what the camp is not enough, we are so middle of the night before sleep.

营委们准备好了, 你们准备好了吗? 
Committee are ready, are you?


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Early in the morning, campers arrive one by one.
As the JLDS is a camp that stress on discipline, so committee have to pay more attention on campers' disciplined.

Discipline group is checking the committee uniform and clean     

Discipline group is examining the committee's nails

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In a camp, compliance to the rules is the most important , so the discipline group play the role to explain the rules to the campers.

Camp rules are explained by the disciplinary group 

Each ambulans and nursing must wear a name card

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Opening ceremony

 非常荣幸邀请到陈清顺校长以及Mr. Andy Choo为我们开幕
 Very honored to have invited陈清顺校长and Mr. Andy Choo opening

preparation of the opening ceremony

This is the booklet that is given to our VIP guests

We are also very pleased that our senior players Miss Lim Chee Teng had been appointed as the Acting Divisional Officer.

Mr Andy Choo代颁发委任状给林紫廷小姐
Mr Andy Choo presented the appointment certificates to Miss Lim Chee Teng

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