Sunday 27 November 2011

Announcement for Annual Dinner's Committees

Announcements for Annual Dinner’s Committees

*Attention to Booklet and Souvenir In charge and Receptionist, please bring all the materials that needed in your booklet, souvenir and signature board next Sunday (4th December 2011). We’ll do it together when free.

*Attention to Secretary of Annual Dinner, make sure you had already distribute the invitation card to the VIP before 11th December 2011.

*Attention to Treasurer of Annual Dinner, make sure you had collect all the money from members and prepare the overall budget list before 11th December 2011.

*Attention to Receptionist of Annual Dinner, please arrange the place for the VIP and members before next meeting.

*Attention to Master of Ceremony of Annual Dinner, please update your speech.

*Attention to Photographer of Annual Dinner, make sure your video is done by 4th December 2011.

*Next meeting will be on 11th December 2011 after Regional Review, please take note.


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